Each month on the third Sunday, we take a special offering for a Missionary of the Month. This extra support is over and above the monthly support that is sent to our missionaries. Following is the schedule:
- JANUARY - Child Evangelism Fellowship of Bradford County
- FEBRUARY - Arleah Fitch, Missionary Gospel Fellowship
- MARCH - Garry Sims, Hope Aglow Ministries
- APRIL - Andy & Diane Large, Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
- MAY -
- JUNE -
- JULY - Tim & Leandra Hawes, Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
- AUGUST - Cyndi Grover, Gospel Fellowship Association Missions
- SEPTEMBER - Website Outreach
- OCTOBER - New Beginnings
- NOVEMBER - Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Shipping
- DECEMBER - Missionary or Family with the Greatest Need